Fear Fame Productions is a photo and video production company located in Central Florida.
We specialize in Films, Shorts, Documentaries, Marketing material and Special Events.
The first project
We've Done It
Our first project Hunter’s Cabin is what put us on the map. A film that was meant as a fun idea, turned into a full production company. This film was thought of on the fly by CEO Joe Furnari and Joe Anderson, who is one of the actors in Hunter’s Cabin. They decided to make a horror film for fun but didn’t know how big of a turn out it would be.
The pressure was on after the script was finalized and auditions started taking place. Jonathan Montes approached Joe Furnari and wanted to help with the film besides just auditioning for it.
Jonathan took this film to another level by helping to find the perfect cast for the film. Jonathan started to put together all the social media and started the hype for Hunter’s Cabin, next thing we know we are flooded with hype over the movie and how so many people are dying to see it.
Everyone in the cast and crew was having fun and ranting on social media how much fun they had and a pleasure experience they had working with Fear Fame Productions.
As the buzz kept growing for Fear Fame Productions so did the team. Now offering both photo and video production services.